
8 Green Estate Drive,
Waipu 0510.
Daniel: (021) 02611829
Raewyn: (021) 0519874
Wilson House: (09) 9724892
[email protected]

The address is 8 Green Estate Drive, Waipu. It is about 1 hour 40 minutes north of North Shore Reformed Church and 35 minutes south of Whangarei.

Please note that just north of North Shore is the Northern Gateway toll road on State Highway 1. It saves 9 minutes, is much straighter (a bonus for those with children tending to car sickness) and the fee is easy to administer. There are no toll booths. Your number plate is scanned automatically and the car owner is billed $2.40 each way. You have five days to pay. Do so, because the late charges stack up fast! You can even pay in advance at http://tollingonline.nzta.govt.nz. Alternatively, follow the signs to take the scenic route.